Sunday, February 8, 2009


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to "Where I'm Always Right." I'll be your host, the guy who, at least on this blog, is never wrong! In the coming weeks and months you can expect to see my opinions on just about everything, from sports to politics to movies and more.

Though I've been looking for a place to vent my frustrations and offer up my "modest" critiques for years, my rants have fallen on deaf/uninterested ears. I finally caved in and started a blog, not for myself, but for the real winners out there, those of you who now have access to my deepest AND most superficial practical and philosophical musings.

Enter now at your own risk....

J/K. The guy talking above is only my online alter-ego. Ah, the Internet - a magical place where people can be as rude as they want because they're almost totally anonymous. I promise, on behalf of the real me, to forcefully and clearly express my opinions in the most gentle and circumventious of ways. Or, in the words of SNL's faux-Obama...

"I'll keep it cool."

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